9 research outputs found

    Optimizing Lifespan and Energy Consumption by Smart Meters in Green-Cloud-Based Smart Grids

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    Green clouds optimally use energy resources in large-scale distributed computing environments. Large scale industries such as smart grids are adopting green cloud paradigm to optimize energy needs and to maximize lifespan of smart devices such as smart meters. Both, energy consumption and lifespan of smart meters are critical factors in smart grid applications where performance of these factors decreases with each cycle of grid operation such as record reading and dispatching to the edge nodes. Also, considering large-scale infrastructure of smart grid, replacing out-of-energy and faulty meters is not an economical solution. Therefore, to optimize the energy consumption and lifespan of smart meters, we present a knowledge-based usage strategy for smart meters in this paper. Our proposed scheme is novel and generates custom graph of smart meter tuple datasets and fetches the frequency of lifespan and energy consumption factors. Due to very large-scale dataset graphs, the said factors are fine-grained through R3F filter over modified Hungarian algorithm for smart grid repository. After receiving the exact status of usage, the grid places smart meters in logical partitions according to their utilization frequency. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed approach enhances lifespan frequency of 100 smart meters by 72% and optimizes energy consumption at an overall percentile of 21% in the green cloud-based smart grid

    Binary Pattern for Nested Cardinality Constraints for Software Product Line of IoT-Based Feature Models

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    Software product line (SPL) is extensively used for reusability of resources in family of products. Feature modeling is an important technique used to manage common and variable features of SPL in applications, such as Internet of Things (IoT). In order to adopt SPL for application development, organizations require information, such as cost, scope, complexity, number of features, total number of products, and combination of features for each product to start the application development. Application development of IoT is varied in different contexts, such as heat sensor indoor and outdoor environment. Variability management of IoT applications enables to find the cost, scope, and complexity. All possible combinations of features make it easy to find the cost of individual application. However, exact number of all possible products and features combination for each product is more valuable information for an organization to adopt product line. In this paper, we have proposed binary pattern for nested cardinality constraints (BPNCC), which is simple and effective approach to calculate the exact number of products with complex relationships between application's feature models. Furthermore, BPNCC approach identifies the feasible features combinations of each IoT application by tracing the constraint relationship from top-to-bottom. BPNCC is an open source and tool-independent approach that does not hide the internal information of selected and non-selected IoT features. The proposed method is validated by implementing it on small and large IoT application feature models with “n” number of constraints, and it is found that the total number of products and all features combinations in each product without any constraint violation

    A Knowledge-Based Path Optimization Technique for Cognitive Nodes in Smart Grid

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    The cognitive network uses cognitive processes to record data transmission rate among nodes and applies self-learning methods to trace data load points for finding optimal transmission path in the distributed computing environment. Several industrial systems, e.g., data centers, smart grids, etc., have adopted this cognitive paradigm and retrieved the least HOP count paths for processing huge datasets with minimum resource consumption. Therefore, this technique works well in transmitting structured data such as `XML', however, if the data is in unstructured format i.e. `RDF', the transmission technique wraps it with the same layout of payload and eventually returns inaccuracy in calculating traces of data load points due to the abnormal payload layout. In this paper, we propose a knowledge-based optimal routing path analyzer (RORP) that resolves the transmission wrapping issue of the payload by introducing a novel RDF-aware payload-layout. The proposed analyzer uses the enhanced payload layout to transmit unstructured RDF triples with an append pheromone (footsteps) value through cognitive nodes towards the semantic reservoir. The grid performs analytics and returns least HOP count path for processing huge RDF datasets in the cognitive network. The simulation results show that the proposed approach effectively returns the least HOP count path, enhances network performance by minimizing the resource consumption at each of the cognitive nodes and reduces traffic congestion through knowledge-based HOP count analytics technique in the cognitive environment of the smart grid

    Multi-Objective Optimum Solutions for IoT-Based Feature Models of Software Product Line

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    A software product line is used for the development of a family of products utilizing the reusability of existing resources with low costs and time to market. Feature Model (FM) is used extensively to manage the common and variable features of a family of products, such as Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In the literature, the binary pattern for nested cardinality constraints (BPNCC) approach has been proposed to compute all possible combinations of development features for IoT applications without violating any relationship constraints. Relationship constraints are a predefined set of rules for the selection of features from an FM. Due to high probability of relationship constraints violations, obtaining optimum features combinations from large IoT-based FMs are a challenging task. Therefore, in order to obtain optimum solutions, in this paper, we have proposed multi-objective optimum-BPNCC that consists of three independent paths (first, second, and third). Furthermore, we applied heuristics on these paths and found that the first path is infeasible due to space and execution time complexity. The second path reduces the space complexity; however, time complexity increases due to the increasing group of features. Among these paths, the performance of the third path is best as it removes optional features that are not required for optimization. In experiments, we calculated the outcomes of all three paths that show the significant improvement of optimum solution without constraint violation occurrence. We theoretically prove that this paper is better than previously proposed optimization algorithms, such as a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm and an indicator-based evolutionary algorithm

    An Aggregate MapReduce Data Block Placement Strategy for Wireless IoT Edge Nodes in Smart Grid

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    Big data analytics has simplified processing complexity of large dataset in a distributed environment. Many state-of-the-art platforms i.e. smart grid has adopted the processing structure of big data and manages a large volume of data through MapReduce paradigm at distribution ends. Thus, whenever a wireless IoT edge node bundles a sensor dataset into storage media, MapReduce agent performs analytics and generates output into the grid repository. This practice has efficiently reduced the consumption of resources in such a giant network and strengthens other components of the smart grid to perform data analytics through aggregate programming. However, it consumes an operational latency of accessing large dataset from a central repository. As we know that, smart grid processes I/O operations of multi-homing networks, therefore, it accesses large datasets for processing MapReduce jobs at wireless IoT edge nodes. As a result, aggregate MapReduce at wireless IoT edge node produces a network congestion and operational latency problem. To overcome this issue, we propose Wireless IoT Edge-enabled Block Replica Strategy (WIEBRS), that stores in-place, partition-based and multi-homing block replica to respective edge nodes. This reduces the delay latency of accessing datasets for aggregate MapReduce and increases the performance of the job in the smart grid. The simulation results show that WIEBRS effective decreases operational latency with an increment of aggregate MapReduce job performance in the smart grid

    Predictive Modeling of Employee Churn Analysis for IoT-Enabled Software Industry

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    Employee churn analytics is the process of assessing employee turnover rate and predicting churners in a corporate company. Due to the rapid requirement of experts in the industries, an employee may switch workplaces, and the company then has to look for a substitute with the training to deal with the tasks. This has become a bottleneck and the corporate sector suffers with additional cost overheads to restore the work routine in the organization. In order to solve this issue in a timely manner, we identify several ML techniques that examine an employee’s record and assess factors in generalized ways to assess whether the resource will remain to continue working or may leave the workplace with the passage of time. However, sensor-based information processing is not much explored in the corporate sector. This paper presents an IoT-enabled predictive strategy to evaluate employee churn count and discusses the factors to decrease this issue in the organizations. For this, we use filter-based methods to analyze features and perform classification to identify firm future churners. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed technique efficiently identifies the future churners with 98% accuracy in the IoT-enabled corporate sector organizations

    Predictive Modeling of Employee Churn Analysis for IoT-Enabled Software Industry

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    Employee churn analytics is the process of assessing employee turnover rate and predicting churners in a corporate company. Due to the rapid requirement of experts in the industries, an employee may switch workplaces, and the company then has to look for a substitute with the training to deal with the tasks. This has become a bottleneck and the corporate sector suffers with additional cost overheads to restore the work routine in the organization. In order to solve this issue in a timely manner, we identify several ML techniques that examine an employee’s record and assess factors in generalized ways to assess whether the resource will remain to continue working or may leave the workplace with the passage of time. However, sensor-based information processing is not much explored in the corporate sector. This paper presents an IoT-enabled predictive strategy to evaluate employee churn count and discusses the factors to decrease this issue in the organizations. For this, we use filter-based methods to analyze features and perform classification to identify firm future churners. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed technique efficiently identifies the future churners with 98% accuracy in the IoT-enabled corporate sector organizations

    A Fuzzy-Based Duo-Secure Multi-Modal Framework for IoMT Anomaly Detection

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    With the advancement in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) infrastructure, network security issues have become a serious concern for hospitals and medical facilities. For this, a variety of customized network security tools and frameworks are used to distract several generalized attacks such as botnet-based distributed denial of services attacks (DDoS) and zero-day network attacks. Thus, it becomes difficult to operate routine IoMT services and tasks in between the under-attack scenario. This paper discusses a novel approach named Duo-Secure IoMT framework that uses multi-modal sensory signals’ data to differentiate the attack pattern and routine IoMT devices’ data. The proposed model uses a combination of two techniques such as dynamic Fuzzy C-Means clustering along with customized Bi-LSTM technique that processes sensory medical data securely along with identifying attack patterns within the IoMT network. As a case study, we are using a dataset to evaluate heart disease which consists of 36 attributes and 18940 instances. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed model evaluates a) prediction of heart issues and b) identification of network malware with an individual accuracy of 92.95% and multi-modal joint accuracy of 89.67% in the IoMT-based distributed network environment